Amazing Cannabis Edibles for Anxiety

Thanks to the cannabis industry boom, there’s no shortage of edibles on the market—there seem to be as many products as there are people. It’s easier than ever to find edibles for those times when you really need to relax. On the other hand, that same wealth of options can also make picking the right one a bit of a challenge as it depends so much on you. What about edibles for anxiety and depression?

Finding the perfect edibles to manage anxiety and depression in Canada is a personal journey. It’s up to you to find the right THC and CBD ratio to help keep you calm during panic attacks and beyond.

We can’t tell you which edible will work best for your anxiety, but we can give you some suggestions as far as where to start, along with a little more info on edibles for anxiety to make your search easier.

How Can Edibles Help with Anxiety?

Despite occasional side effects, cannabis is known to be good for anxiety. It doesn’t work for everyone or in every case, but it’s worth trying no matter your situation.

Edibles can help strengthen the positive effects of cannabis. Instead of absorbing it through your lungs, the cannabinoids are processed through your digestive system. Though it will take longer to kick in, the effects of edibles last longer than smoking or vaping, and you’ll feel them much more strongly.

For more information on how long the edibles high can last, click here.

Even with microdoses, edibles tend to induce more holistic side effects, like euphoria, and, because you are more in control of the dosage, it’s easier to control how much THC or CBD you’re genuinely taking in one go. That can help manage the potential adverse side effects of weed, like heightened anxiety.

However, like most marijuana products, the perfect high is in the eye of the beholder because your body may react differently to various cannabis strains.

CBD vs. THC for Anxiety


The two most-famous active ingredients of cannabis are:

  • THC is the psychoactive compound that creates the “high” feeling associated with marijuana.
  • CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, which can produce a calming effect without any of the high from standard THC.

When it comes to anxiety and edibles, higher doses of THC can cause anxiety for some people. That said, these days, it’s easy to find a strain that works for you because there are lots of easily-accessible options out there. Hybrid strains balance CBD and THC, so you can get high and enjoy a calming sensation to manage your anxiety.

However, more and more people are reaching for strictly CBD edibles to manage their anxiety and the market is rising to the demand. (Our delicious selection of CBD edibles includes gummies, chocolates, and even honey!) Without the psychoactive—and sometimes anxiety-prone—elements of THC, people can have a better experience. CBD edibles also eschew the classic side effects of weed like dry mouth, red eyes, and (of course) the high.

Given all the above, CBD edibles may be a better option for anxiety, especially if your anxiety is worse during the day when you have things to do. Without the high, you can achieve a more blissful state whether you have to get behind the wheel of a car, jump into a busy meeting, or just perform at your best. On the other hand, if you need help getting to sleep or plan to hang out at home, a bit of THC might help.

What Edibles are Good for Anxiety?

If you’re new to edibles, it’s best to take it easy and watch your edible intake. Consider trying high-CBD, low-THC products to explore what ratio of THC vs. CBD is right for you. You might even opt for a strictly CBD product at first (made from hemp rather than marijuana).

However, experimenting goes beyond just the strain. It can be easier to find hemp edibles for anxiety if you are open to various types of edibles as well. As we mentioned before, there are plenty of edible products on the market to try, beyond just cookies and brownies.

Your best bet will be sticking to products that you can easily segment and dose.

Things like gummies and drinks allow you to control the dosage more easily than something like a cupcake. They can also come in delicious flavours like MOTA Cola Bottles.

Options such as CBD capsules can be a good way to ease into the practice. They’re more clearly labelled for their dosage and have added ingredients to help the molecules absorb in your bloodstream. With these products, you won’t have to worry as much about a dank taste, either.

Edibles that rely on oral uptake can be another good place to test out your tolerance and whether you like the way THC or CBD makes you feel. With things like tinctures, lozenges, or suckers that are absorbed sublingually, you can expect to feel the effects much faster than other edibles.

They will also wear off faster, which could be a good thing for newbies. If you don’t like the experience, you just have to make it through only about two to three hours.

If you feel more adventurous or prefer a bit of a psychoactive high in your edible consumption, try out something simple like chocolates. Chocolate is another food that’s known for its ability to treat symptoms of anxiety. Pairing chocolate with cannabis can make for a delicious and easy way to manage symptoms of anxiety. You can also find THC chocolate bars at Budmail.

edibles for anxiety

Photo courtesy of Leafly.

Can Edibles Cause Anxiety?

It may seem a bit of a contradiction, but edibles can actually cause anxiety. Typically, this comes from being lax with your portioning, which is why it’s important to proceed with care when using edibles.

Dosage, your metabolism, your tolerance level, and even how full your stomach is can influence how hard an edible hits you—even if you’ve used the same type of edible before.

Though there are no health risks to overdoing it with edibles, you won’t be comfortable for a little while if you take too much.

You may experience anxiety and stress, among other symptoms.

Even so, edibles can also alleviate anxiety and panic attacks with proper dosage and the right strain. Many users swear by edibles because they’re a more discreet way to manage their anxiety than smoking or vaping. Edibles can also make it easier to monitor your intake because they are easier to portion than a joint or a bowl.

If you want to learn more about the differences between edibles vs. smoking, click here.


Finding the right edibles for your anxiety will be a learning process as you explore how your body responds to THC and CBD, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard. In fact, it can be a lot of fun trying out all the different methods to dose cannabis.

With so many delicious cannabis edibles to choose from, you’ll be able to find that perfect product that suits your cannabis needs, tastebuds, and sweet tooth.If you ever need some product suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We’d be happy to help you find what you’re looking for!


Leafly: How to use cannabis for anxiety.

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